Competitive Sports
- Olympic Training Centers
- Sports associations
- Performance Centers
- Performance diagnostician
- Cycling Team
- Triathlon teams
Centrally networked | Cloud technology | AI-ready
The platform for your Performance Center
Today, performance centers and Olympic training centers collect an enormous amount of data for their athletes. Excel – actually a spreadsheet tool – is still widely used today. Sometimes daily – often for hours. This not only wastes valuable human resources and puts data protection regulations to the test. Most importantly, valuable information for successful athlete management is lost.
Only by bringing together all relevant athlete and performance data from the areas of competition, training, diagnostics, medicine, sports therapy and monitoring in a timely and comprehensive manner is it possible to obtain a meaningful overall view of the athlete and thus optimal performance management.
For this purpose, we have developed the Datico LIFE HUB for performance centers – the modular, cloud-based platform for your own health and performance management system.
This allows you to record the data and measurement results of your athletes where they are generated: in the laboratory, in the field or in the hall. And with automated interfaces to your diagnostics & monitoring systems, you play the results and evaluations directly into your central database.
With digitized questionnaires and forms tailored precisely to your requirements, you can optimize your manual data entry. You integrate already existing data and databases (“legacy data”) through import tools and an open and flexible API connection.
Automated, meaningful reports generated according to your criteria show strengths, potentials, trends, developments and possible injury risks quickly, easily and comprehensibly. They have a real-time, data-driven basis for decision-making that athletes, coaches and trainers can immediately understand and directly implement.
Extensive tools such as reference sets, spider diagrams and index systems enable perfect individual and team management – also in the squad and junior areas.
A role & rights system that is secure down to the last detail ensures that everyone has exactly the access that is important for their area of decision-making. And to ensure that legal requirements are met even when accessed by multiple users and other applications such as SPSS, MATLAB, R or Excel.
Start now to take advantage of the opportunities that cloud-based technologies, smart algorithms, machine learning and artificial intelligence are already giving you today.

Live Webinar | Thursday | 07.09.2023 | 15:00
Artificial intelligence in sports: concrete implementation, possibilities and limits
As development continues, the use of new technologies in certain fields and sports will make the difference between winning and losing in the future.
Learn the key fundamentals for using the new capabilities in this webinar. And let us show you how to make the most of these technologies as an expert in your field.

Live Webinar | Thursday | 05.10.2023 | 15:00
Data-supported athlete management: Unlocking potential in junior and elite sports
The amount of data collected in sports is increasing more and more – in both competitive and junior sports.
The art of data-driven athlete management is to use the data in a goal-oriented way. In this webinar, we will show you on the one hand how you can introduce an individually optimal data-based athlete management at your company – and above all how you can arrive at the answers and solutions that are relevant for you.

Live Webinar | Thursday | 02.11.2023 | 15:00
5 steps to your digitized Health & Performance Management
For leaders, sports scientists, sports physicians, head coaches, data analysts in competitive and elite sports and at sports science institutes.
In this webinar, we’ll show you how to get on the path to a centralized, digital and AI-enabled health & performance management platform.